I have been woefully remiss in writing updates, and for that, I truly am going to say: too bad. Seriously thought, this is a whole bunch of updates for several things I have been meaning to tell you about, but simply haven't gotten to, yet.
Pictures of Abigail's completed room!This room is a work of art. It is a masterpiece. It is our tempering Abigail's desire for Hot Pink. We spent more time collectively on this room than any other room in the house. Why? Because we are crazy in love with our daughter. We want her life to be spent in lavish comfort, with servants and expansive luxuries. Wait a second... Who's writing this, anyways? Abigail can do that sometimes, completely take over your mind and bend it to her will. Even when she's at school? Apparently so.
Open your eyes, close your mind, and relax. Drink in that which is
Abigail's room.
(Oh yeah, I hope you like pink)Pictures of our first snow!
This is an easy one. We had snow. A couple inches, as you can see. Unfortunately I still had my summer tires on. Fortunately, I didn't have to go to work that day. I even used the snow shovel! Good thing the XTerra has some awesome tires on it.
Pictures of Callie's trip with us to New York
Recently, Callie (Michel's cousin) came by, since she lives in Maryland, and mooched off of us for a weekend, and a free trip to New York. Just kidding. But really, she did. It was supposed to be a whole group of us, but she was the only one to actually follow through, bite the bullet, hike up her britches, and spend an entire weekend with us, mooching. So we took lots of pictures, lots and lots of pictures, of the mooching. Because she was mooching. Really. See if you can figure out which pictures Abigail took. We hit FAO Schwartz for Abigail, Crate and Barrel for Michel, the Rockefeller Center for the tree, Banana Republic for Callie, and ummm... wait, someone's missing here. Give me a sec. No really, I'll think of who it is. One cool thing, is NJ Transit gave us a free train ride there. We were running late, and I showed my ID for the discount, and they didn't charge us anything. Did I mention that someone was mooching?
try typing the word "mooching" several times, and you'll just how funny the word "mooching" can be.
Oh, that's funny... m o o c h i n g. See?
Pictures of Babcia (bahb-cha: Grandma) and Dziadek (jah-deck: grandpa) Visiting and Philly
Cream cheese. That's what Philly is all about. And some other historic stuff. We saw Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and some xray machines. Seriously, you have to take your belt off if you want to see this stuff. I did it, too, with style. After I convinced them not to charge me with sexual harrassment, we looked at the old stuff. Also, Mom took Abigail on a shopping spree at Toys'R'Us and Abigail naturally picked all horses. She almost picked a giant stuffed Pegasus, but one thing swayed her to more playable toys: Logic And a stern voice. Okay, two things: Logic, a stern voice, and threats. Sorry, sorry, three things: logic, a stern voice, threats, and a promise to keep the giant pegasus in the basement. [counting on my fingers] oh just look at the pictures.
Abigail's Birthday Party
These are mostly of her opening presents, so I selected just a couple. She had a great time, got some great presents, including her favoritest outfit; of which I find I do not have a picture. Soon to be remedied, as she wears that outfit as often as she can. It's a pink shirt with a denim skirt with pink detail on it. Oh, and notice that there are no girls there. It's started already. The frenzy that is 6 year olds hopped up on cake:

One last thing, I got my Xbox 360 this Friday, and I'm happy. To cause more jealousy among those who care about such things, I made this nifty little slide show about bring the
360 home. You need
Macromedia Flash to view it.