Sunday, January 29, 2006

Michel does NOT procrastinate

Nope, no procrastination with my wife. None whatsoever. She can even not procrastinate when there's a autonomic biological process going on. She gets an early start on the day. She gets an early start on breakfast. She gets an early start on getting ready for work (she showers the night before). She got an early start on our first kid. Hello, wedding night? She apparently even got an early start on Little Two. She was originally due on 24 March, now she's due 4 March. Is that good enough? Of course not! Why wait to give birth on the due date when you can get starting in labor now? That's the wonder of my wife. That's her motivation to get things done. That's her neurotic approach to to-do lists. Wait, bad choice of words. (She's pregnant you know, and liable to go off at any minute!) You might just be wondering, "What's the point here?"

The point is that Michel couldn't wait until 40 weeks, so at 34 weeks, she decided to start dilating. I told her to wait, but you know her, why wait? Last week on Wednesday the 19th she had a few serious contractions that got her attention. The next day she had an appointment with the midwives, so she figured she'd let them know then. On Thursday the 20th, her contractions also got the midwives' attention. They found her to be dilated 2cm and 50% effaced! That was a bit of a shock, until she reminded me that she started early with Abigail, too.

They put her on bed rest until Wednesday the 25th when they could evaluate her further to determine if she could keep going. Michel, being obedient (amazing!), duly rested, and stayed off her feet, and stayed at home instead of going to work. On the 25th when they came to the house to see where Little Two would take his/her first breath, they were even more surprised to find that she was now 3cm dilated! As a result of the exam, she had a few more contractions, and they put her on permanent bed rest until the 37 week point, which is 11 Feb, at which point there is no problem with the baby coming out. If she were to give birth before the 37 week mark, we would have to do the whole hospital thing, which as you all know, just isn't our bag, baby.

So now, we are dealing with a frustrated, sitting all the time, unable to do the laundry or cook dinner, Xbox 360 playing woman (yes, it's true) who is forced to procrastinate and allow the rest of us to snicker at her near normal level of procrastination. Especially when there are those of us who would rejoice at these glad tidings with great shouts of Hallelujah and rending of clothes at the chance to sit on our back-middle-mounted cushions and enjoy the relaxations of life on the couch. In other words, is there a sympathy bed-rest?

In other news, I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas. I'm happy about that. On Friday the 27th I passed my checkride to be an actual functioning pilot again. I can now be in charge of other functional pilots and take a functional airplane to functionally accomplish a mission. Pretty cool, eh? Just in time to wonder if Little Two is going to pop out at any time.

Little Two is now regularly getting the hiccups.

We have narrowed the boy's name to one name. We'll tell you soon.

We have two girl's names in the running. We'll tell you soon.

Michel's shower is coming soon (a surprise for her as to when) and is being put on by our neighbors, the Mazzas. Unfortunately most of you cannot attend, but if you are wondering when, email me, and I will let you know. If you would like to buy a gift, which is, of course, completely necessary if you would ever like to see the baby, we are registered at Babies R Us. Luckily we are covered for most items by the stuff we have kept in our garage for the last 6 years.

Abigail has a lot of attitude, which is definitely not news, but considering all this news, I figured you would like to stay grounded with something that hasn't changed.

There is only one room, and the upstairs hallway left to paint, other than some minor touch ups. Hooray for my side!

We recently did a home photo shoot of the pregnant one, and as soon as we have finished determining which ones are the best to post, we will do so.

Until then, get up off your back-middle-cushions and non procrastinate!