Friday, April 27, 2007

The email I sent to the article writer:

Subject: Thanks for the nice article!

It captured us well, and everyone likes it. It was well written, evokes some emotional response, and those that know us believe you represented our family well, except for one part.

A lot of my family and friends, and I, don't like that you misquoted me in such a manner about flying in troops and flying out the dead. Even my very liberal (and anti-war) sister agrees about this part. When I said it to you, it was not in that context. It comes across as though flying out dead soldiers is a regular thing, when I've only actually done it twice, and two coffins each time. Where I brought in and out hundreds of soldiers from several nations, all of them very much alive. Then you followed that immediately with, "With thousands dead..."

I know you craft your articles with great care, so I have to ask: Why did you misquote me and combine it with that statement on casualties? On the surface this appears to be the very politicization that I was hoping you'd avoid, if you remember our discussion about it. That is the very reason I googled you.

Again, I want to emphasize that we all very much enjoyed that article, but that one part just taints the overall experience and makes it difficult to enjoy. I enjoyed meeting you and your daughter as well as the interview itself.

I waited a little while to respond, because I was quite angry when I first read that bit. It just sounded so pointed and out of place that I wanted to make sure that this email was written with a clear mind. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Looking forward to your response,

EDIT: I got an out of office reply, she'll be back on 5/7. HA HA! You thought there would be a response...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's a time of firsts

Balen's first hair cut. Just look at his face. Where does this stuff come from? Abigail took this picture, by the way. She does seem to have an eye.


Balen likes to peench!

Finally, here's the video mentioned two posts below in reference to the Honda Element commercial. You see, Abigail is the car, Balen is the crab.


If you want a copy of this, email me. I'll send it to you. It's 6mb.

Well, it happened...

The article is here and online!

Read it first, then read my reaction:

I had my misgivings, and I was skeptical. As the article says, I googled her. I didn't see this kind of thing happen, and I feel a little betrayed. I thought we had a good rapport. See if you can guess the part that she took out of context and used for a little anti-war poke at the reader. I did not make that statement. What she wrote was cobbled together for a completely different feel to my words. That makes me feel rather bad about it and reminds me that I just can't completely trust media sources. In case you haven't figured it out, it's the statement, "We'd fly troops in and fly out the dead." I never said that. I did mention that occasionally we would also fly out the dead, but she makes it sound like an every day occurrence. Oh, I'm rather angry about that. Naturally it's right before another reminder about the "thousands of deaths". ooooo! I will be emailing her. It's slightly redressed with the line about believing in what we're doing. We'll see how I feel after a couple re-readings.

On the other hand...
I think the picture is hilarious. I was looking at an airplane flying directly over head landing at the nearby regional airport. I did choose the binary shirt on purpose. Can you read it? It's rather appropriate. Even though they got Michel's name right in the article, it's biffed in the caption.

Other than the bad part, the rest of the article I feel captures us nicely. It's nice to see us mostly well represented. Another liberty she took was to say that she contacted me after SHE saw the ribbons and sign and stuff. Actually, it was a neighbor that works with her that saw it all and told her about it. Interesting the liberties they take, eh?

All in all, I feel the article was well-written, that we are accurately portrayed in the wordspace allowed, but that one bit really irks me.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yes, I know, it's been over a month

get over it.

Actually, I just have a little bit of news: A reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer ( interviewed us today (well, mostly me, as I am so amazingly attractive despite her not mentioning it, and Abigail, whose beauty she mentioned just to make her feel better) about our family situation with a deployed member (that would be Michel). The article will be out this Tuesday in the Metro section. I predict it will be the highest circulation seen since Kennedy was shot, but don't quote me, I don't like to be quoted; I just hate it when people do that Austin Powers quoty finger thing.

The reporter was Annette John-Hall. She is described on the web as [using quoty finger thing] "a general assignment reporter focusing on music, film, television and pop culture." [not using finger quoty thing] Her articles, which carry a refreshing lack of political motivation that allows a simple honest observation of her subject to come through. It was nice to see that before the interview, as it lessened my fear of a possible attack on war in Iraq. She brought her daughter and a photographer, whom i'll call Bonnie. Bonnie (she did say that was her name, you know) took some shots of Abigail in the living room, some of her eye, her left eye, definitely the better of the two, in various modified configurations as Abigail's finger could achieve. She also shot us in front of the sign on the fence which you can see in a previous post.

Annette questioned me on everything from my origins to the kids origins to how we are dealing with the deployment to how the war in Iraq is a huge waste of time, life, and was all about lies. I made up that last part. Just making sure you were paying attention.

I'll be sure to post a link to the article. I will ensure a few copies get sent out. Place your orders now. It's $2.50 + $50.00 shipping and handling with the check made out to "Import/Export Businessman of America". That should keep my knees from being broken... at least until the next online betting sites open up before the next American Idol... I really don't watch that show. I just don't like Simon Cowell. I do however like Scrubs; and my knees. So send the check today!

Now that you have dutifully skipped my blather to find out when new pics will be posted, I have a nice collection waiting to be posted, but I'm going to try a new method of storage to avoid bumping against my webpage limits.

Basic kid updates:
Abigail is getting straight A's. She has her bed frame and several items back. It appears my methods of behavioral modification through reduction in access to sunlight and food have been bring her in line. It's amazing what you can find on the web. She is turning more into a young lady every day. Except she keeps wearing her crazy socks. I let her dress herself most of the time, and the sock thing... well... less food and sunlight should fix that. Unless, of course, it's causing it...

Balen is developing a knack for tantrums. Today, after I took my toothbrush back, he dramatically fell on the ground and cried until he noticed I stepped out of sight, ostensibly to brush my teeth with an appalling lack of concern for his sudden plight. Naturally, to enhance the effectiveness of such a tactic, he scooted over a bit so I could once again see a perfect encore presentation of said dramatic fall to the ground with crying. However, I once again failed to notice such an amazing display of skill and manipulation and was unresponsive. He has since submitted a request to the nearest clinic for an evaluation of my emotional subroutines. He also likes to sit in Abigail's kid-sized brown rocking recliner chair.

Oh yeah, and one of the best things I've ever seen, Balen is demonstrating a remarkable true-to-life rendition of a particular Honda Element commercial. Please be sure to watch this first. It is a perfect demonstration of Abigail and Balen when Abigail is too focused on something within certain parameters. Well one parameter: that something she isn't focused on is Balen.

Check out the commercial.

Yes, that's exactly what he does. A video will be submitted shortly demonstrating the uncanny resemblance to the crustacean. He [annoying quoty finger thing] "likes to peench". [no longer annying quoty finger thing]