Balen Walks!
The movie.
Okay, here’s the scoop. Yesterday, Balen was cruising on the couch in the living room. I walked past him into the Kitchen, he made a noise, so I turned and looked at him. He was standing at the end of the couch, and took two steps to get to the step up to the kitchen. I celebrated quite noisily and loudly to encourage him to do it again (and express my excitement). I ran upstairs and attempted to send Michel an email.
Today, he did it again while Joe was here, so I set up an experiment to have him walk to something he wants only a couple steps away. He did it without hesitation. So, I did it again with my camera handy, and here’s the movie. He also turns on and off light switches when I ask him to. I showed him a couple times, and he picked it up immediately.
Enjoy! I know I did.