Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Balen Walks!

The movie.

Okay, here’s the scoop. Yesterday, Balen was cruising on the couch in the living room. I walked past him into the Kitchen, he made a noise, so I turned and looked at him. He was standing at the end of the couch, and took two steps to get to the step up to the kitchen. I celebrated quite noisily and loudly to encourage him to do it again (and express my excitement). I ran upstairs and attempted to send Michel an email.

Today, he did it again while Joe was here, so I set up an experiment to have him walk to something he wants only a couple steps away. He did it without hesitation. So, I did it again with my camera handy, and here’s the movie. He also turns on and off light switches when I ask him to. I showed him a couple times, and he picked it up immediately.

Enjoy! I know I did.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Abigail gets it right, and not just right...

Abigail was virtually perfect tonight! Freaking awesome. I asked her why she was so good, and she said it was because she wanted stuff back. She did her homework at extended without being told to. She did her chore non-stop without complaint (sweeping the floor, but with the vacuum). She was out of her shower and dressed before I knew it. She didn’t get her name on the board at school. Wow. Simply amazing. She got an item back for each thing, then I gave her ice cream (leftover from coldstone when we all went) for dessert as an extra thank you. A wonderful night that gives me hope. We'll see in the morning. She's a very grumpy early-riser...

Some pictures for y'all

This is the sign I put up on the fence outside letting everyone know we got a Woman at War:

and one of the yellow ribbons I put on the trees outside. I thought this one was frozen. Turns out a thread caught on the tree...

This is the first of many weekly puzzle items michel is putting in letters to Abigail, who then colored it.
This is just Balen being cute.This is Abigail catching a snowflake. I caught it perfectly just before impact (click it and look at the big version):

This is Balen watching the snow in the porch light. He is fascinated by the stuff.

So I got a big TV

Actually, I got it on Saturday. Boy is it big. This is how big it is:
Keep in mind that Balen is 24" tall. That thing is 3" shorter (diagonally of course) than I am tall. A very satisfying 67"!

Here's a shot of it next to my "old" 42":
Heck yeah! In case you want one, too, they are $3000 at Costco before an instant rebate of $500, bringing it down to $2500. Though you will pay tax on the $3k, like I did, I think. This is an amazing deal, considering 18 months ago, that 42" that only does 720p (the new one is 1080p) cost me $1800, and it came with the stand. Then there's the Costco return policy. Yes, I told all this to Michel. No, it didn't really matter to her.

Gorgeous, isn't it? This is my happy separation (from the Air Force, not Michel, though if Michel were here to see it, it just might be...) gift to myself!

Please wipe the drool from your keyboard. It's gross.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

And so it ends...

My career in the Air Force is now officially over. [doing the dance of joy] Hey! hey! [in time to the steps]

I don't really miss it. I did see a C-17 flying over, and there are some cool things about that I'll miss. But there is much more I am glad to have behind me. I will be home. I will be a full-time father. That's the way life should be. I thoroughly enjoy my son and daughter. I thoroughly enjoy the challenges that each of them provide. I thoroughly enjoy watching their psychological, mental, physical growth, and knowing how big a part I will have. I thoroughly enjoy knowing I'll spend the rest of my life with my beloved wife.

That's what life is for, our family. I'm glad to have served a while, protected the interests of this great nation, provided that tiny part of the protection this country needs, served in the world's greatest military force that keeps our way of life intact. I still am, by supporting the efforts of my wife to continue that service that I so highly value.

I am happy. I am loved. I am content. God has blessed me greatly.

Thanks to all of you who have done so much to support our efforts. I know we have leaned on many of you, some very heavily, in many ways to fulfill the obligations of our choices. My happiness is due in large part to each of you.

Thank you. May God bless you the way He has me.