Not really, but a little bit. We are finding our no-Mommy groove, but it took a week or so. Balen and Abigail go to bed at the same time, now which really helps me out. We set up a carpool with Abigail's teacher (who's daughter, Gabriella, is Abigail's best friend) so I now commute 12 minutes round-trip twice a day, instead of 1 hour round trip twice a day. That's a... lemme see... carry the 4... significant improvement.
Something I thought would be nice to share, some might not agree, but there it is: I started another blog, called Emails to Mommy. Abigail uses her email account to email Mommy while she's gone. Each day they both write to each other. I am posting each of these emails in this blog (unless one of them requests that I don't). Feel free to share this blog with others, it is a public blog. Anyone can comment anytime they want.
Abigail has had it a bit rough, though her behavior has been on a general decline over the last couple months. Her main issue is a complete lack of self-control. For example, on her way from the kitchen to the bathroom to wash her hands (a 12 foot trip) she will become distracted and completely forget about what she needs to do. When we get on her case, she responds with such attitude that she gets herself in a lot of trouble. She really has not gotten any better over the last year or so, and this has caused many hours of frustration on both sides. So, when she was extremely difficult the other night, our threats on complete distraction removal were realized. I emptied her room of all distractions, and she must now earn her stuff back with solid performance on her daily tasks. This has had an amazing effect in the two days since. Hopefully a few weeks of constant focus on mental discipline will create a habit from which she can progress fruitfully.
That being said, we are connecting a bit more, she and I, because of our constant proximity to each other, and I am trying to to elicit more emotional expression from her. She tends to completely internalize any issues and the topic doesn't come up until stress (typically not at all visible until breaking point) overwhelms her and we talk about it. She thinks not crying is brave. I told her it's okay to cry almost any time. There are a lot of deep issues here that I have spent a lot of brainpower analyzing and attempting to parent in the best way possible. All in all, we love each other quite a bit, even though things are rough, and we both show it. She's an incredible girl with incredible personality and incredible willpower. I just have to teach her how to use it somehow. God be patient with me!
Balen is progressing nicely. Other than the change to his routine, he is showing the natural resilience of an infant, and our new routine is working nicely. The most difficult thing with him historically has been his refusal to sleep. I have mostly dealt with this by reducing the number of naps, and letting him run himself down until his batteries are dead. However, this isn't always successful since he wears sunglasses, is pink, fuzzy, and bangs a little drum as his true self. However, this new routine keeps him sleeping when he should and makes my life a bite easier.
He is trying to talk now, and today I asked him to say, "Abigail", with a touch to his lips, and twice in a row he made a very convincing attempt at it. That combined with his mobility (he's a fast bugger: I need to get him a turbo) standing, and cruising, indicates that he will take his first steps very soon. He loves car toys, by the way, and he loves watching racing on TV with me. The sound of the engines and stuff is apparently very interesting to him, which is very satisfying to me. He also goes after anything with buttons. It's enough to make me cry! He takes the remotes, grabs at laptops, turns off computers, turns on Xbox 360's (via the wireless controller no doubt), and generally geeks out any chance he gets. In fact, he's so familiar with the silver "Xbox Guide" button on the wireless controllers, that when I bought a steering wheel to play my racing games, the first thing he pressed was that button on that new controller (having never seen it before). I kept finding that button blinking, and couldn't figure it out, until I realized it was just in his reach. Awesome, eh?
Here's the pics you all love (you can always ask me for the original full-size version):
Balen's first snow:

Abigail in NY:

Abigail with Aunt Kim in NY:

Balen checking his tech blogs:

Me reading to Balen:

The kids sleeping, holding hands:

As a family, not again until July:

Abigail and Mommy, just before she left (notice how well her clothing fits):