Alright, alright. I know I haven't posted in the last 3 months. However, this news is important enough to break my writer's block. First the pics:

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You got it, Balen now has a tooth. Abigail has two more loose teeth, and just had a clean bill of health from the dentist (no cavities, which is more than I could ever say. It seems I always have at least one).
Michel discovered the protuberance during his bath tonight.
In other news, I went to Squadron Officer School in Alabama during the entire month of June (which is an Air Force leadership school for captains), Michel's family came out for a visit, Michel got a new job at her squadron doing Executive Officer kind of stuff, we went to a friend's wedding in Georgia (during July, with no AC at the rehearsal dinner or the reception thanks to power outage), Abigail had her first horse show (she took home two first place ribbons and 4 others), I applied for an early separation (from the Air Force) program that would pay me $80k to get out in jan 07 instead of jan 09, I went to a very small island on the other side of the planet (Diego Garcia, pics coming soon) in the Indian Ocean for 3 weeks via Hawaii and Australia (I know, poor me) to help move some Australian gear into Afghanistan, Abigail has started second grade, and I found out that my application got screwed up and I didn't get approval for early out, but am fighting through the system to get that fixed so that I hopefully still get the $80k...
That's all for now. Many pictures coming soon. And now a bonus picture of the kids:

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