This Allain Family
This blog is about this small nuclear family: Jonathan, Michel, Abigail, and Balen.
You can email me with the email address you would like to use for access, as I would love to have you post comments, but only if you are one of the people that I would love to post comments.
As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
(most recent on top)- Home Page
- Update 4/2/08
- Christmas 07
- Catching Up Shots
- Allison's Visit Pics
- Halloween Pics
- Die Pumpkins!
- A's Bday Media: Pics Vids
- Mommy Homecoming
- Movie: Before Iraq after Iraq
- Movie: "Abigail" long version
- Movie: Dancing kids
- Movie: On National TV!
- Movie: I peench!
- Movie: Mommy says Happy Bday!
- Movie: Balen Bday Vid Vid Vid Vid
- Movie: Balen Walks!
- Crawl Movies: First time 1 2 3 Coming At ya!
- Movie: Abigail on a Horse
- Movie: Glorious Balen
- Movie: Walking down Champs Elysee in Paris
- Movie: Michel opens a Mommy day gift
- Album: Jonathan's Travels
- Album: Update May 06
- Album: Balen in the Blue Lights - Day 2
- Album: Abigail's First Ice Skating Adventures Movie 1 Movie 2
- Album: Michel's 30th Birthday party at her work
- Album: Balen in the Blue Lights - Day 1
- Album: Balen's Birthday (part 2)
- Album: Little Two's Birthday WARNING: EXPLICIT
- Album: Bathroom Photos
- Album: Preggo Pics Feb 06
- Abigail's Music Taste (video)
- Album: Christmas 2005
- Album: Our First Snow
- Album: Abigail's Room
- Album: Babcia, Dziadek, and Philly
- Album: Cousin Callie and NY
- LittleTwo Album 1
Previous Posts
- Michel's point of view on the accident (inverted, ...
- Michel's Crashed Xterra on local Channel 7 news
- Anyone can post now
- March Madness - R.I.P. Xterra
- Abigail is coming home!
- Hospital pics
- Still in the hospital. Need 24 hrs with fever less...
- This will now be updated again!
- Long email = blog entry
- Lots of pictures. Enjoy!
xbox live GamerTags
Jonathan: Michel:Archives
- September 2005
- October 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
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- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- April 2008
- October 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- March 2010
- April 2010
Email me: glyph AT computermail DOT net
Thursday, February 02, 2006
For those of you wishing to not procrastinate on spoiling L2
The baby shower is on 11 Feb. We are registered at (in store and online, same list). Let the consumerism begin!
Thanks in advance
posted by Jonathan @ 1:46 PM