Abigail's Birthday...

is coming up, and I would like to put out a request to minimize toy purchases. They are getting heavy constantly moving them up and down the basement stairs as I take away and give them back (just kidding). Seriously, without sounding pretentious, and judging on past history (40+ gifts last Christmas) we do want to minimize the number of toys she gets for her birthday. Some other ideas are clothes (pink, horses, etc) size 5 tops, size 6 pants (hopefully with adjustable waist as she is durn skinny) because she just keeps growing vertically (only 48lbs still, that's 3 extra lbs in the last 2 years). She is very much into horse riding stuff so try horse sites, like www.statelinetack.com. She is more into western stuff. Crafts are always welcome. Another idea is to throw into a riding lesson fund for her. We can personalize each lesson you buy, even, since we have to turn in a "lesson pass". They are $18 a pop.
In other words, thanks for the gifts (in advance), just please save my back!
Balen's head got a little bigger (bigger than 75% of his peers on the chart we saw), now 18cm, his weight is 18.25lbs, his length is 27.5" (3.5" longer than last measurement 2 months ago). He has been pulling himself to a standing position regularly and easily steps when supported. The crawling thing just seems to be eluding him so far. He often seems right on the verge... He is still smiling and laughing with ease. Everyone remarks how happy he is. (I am too: such a blessed life I have)
Michel put in an application for Civilian Institute, a program where the Air Force pays for her Master's Degree, and in return she will teach at Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. She has already made it past the initial screening, and will be flown there to make a presentation with the objective of showing off her teaching skills (of which she has plenty: she taught some Algebra classes at Charleston AFB to much high acclaim, such as highest scores ever...) at the end of November.
I am sick as a dog right now, some virus has me down hard. I may have flown my last mission, which is weird to think of, but freakin' awesome. I am seriously debating being a home-daddy while Michel is gone. Saves on gas, day care expenses, and more...
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