We haven't had an exam since the last one at 5cm, but we are having consistent strong contractions. The midwives will do another exam if we ask for it, but we figure there's no reason for one, since the contractions keep happening. Michel moved downstairs for a bit of salad from Saladworks, in between bites we would work through her contractions. We sat in the family room for a bit, and have now moved back upstairs. She just moved into the bath to take advantage of the warm water. There has been no sign of water breaking as of yet, but that can wait until 9-10cm if necessary.
Michel is a trooper. She is calling the pain an 8 now on a 10 scale. She started at 6 after the Castor oil. Dana (a friend from Charleston) is here, too. She's the wife of Chad, my C-17 copilot school partner, and best friend. Joe went home to sleep after 24+ hrs of wakefulness, but he's next door. We are taking pictures, but it would take to long to post them. So you'll have to wait.
Keep on praying!
To Michel - remember your tailbone in the bath!! I am sure you don't want to repeat that. Hang in there, Mugs (I guess you have no choice). Kim was just telling me on the way home from school (she had a swim meet, came in first in breast stroke) that a teacher at her school is 8-1/2 mos preg & married to her phyc teacher, she just had to pass a kidney stone while she has a sinus infection. Then she has to have a C-Sec!
Its their 1st & probably last!
Love Mom
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